Fwd: zul, Your February M-Planet E-zine is here...







 The Traps Of Gold 
Gold has certainly resurfaced on the investment radar. After being down in the doldrums for twenty years since the 1980s, prices started climbing in 2001. From a low of $255, it rose by double-digits percentages (actually an astounding 18.8 percent per annum) every year since. It broke the $1,000 mark for the first time in March 2008, slipped below that for a few months, and then resumed its climb. At the point in writing, the price is hovering at the $1,350 mark, just below the all time high of $1,4XX reached in December 2010. (This figure is at the point of writing. It is likely that it will be surpassed by the time you read this article.) This made gold one of the best (if not the best) performing investment in the past ten years, beating stocks, real estate, bonds and other commodities.

This being the case, I suppose the question is then: "Should you own gold?" The overwhelming answer is yes. If you already own gold, good; go out there and buy some more! If you have not done so yet, then it is time to start buying some! There – the answer cannot be more straight-forward than that!

Now, there are many reasons why the price of gold is shooting to the heavens; two of them are the very real threat of the collapse of paper money and explosion of the derivatives market. Incidentally, paper money is only two hundred years old compared to gold that has been used as money for some six thousand years! It is a good bet that the latter will outlive the former.

At the same time, this is where things get a little bit interesting. Yes, you should own gold and you can make serious money from it. However, the traps in gold are as wide and deep as the mines themselves! If you chose incorrectly, you could actually lose money even when the price of gold is rising. (Anything that provides an opportunity to make lots of money also comes with the opportunity to lose lots of money!)

Next, I can also vouch that you will be getting conflicting advice when it comes to gold. First, there are few gold experts in Malaysia which means that most people know very little about it. Next, some people will tell you to buy gold in x form and avoid the others. It is very likely that these people are selling x. Some others, including financial planners and wealth advisors, will give you a hundred reasons and may even provide facts and figures to prove why you should not buy gold. The reason is simple: if you buy gold, they get nothing! Further, it will mean less money for you to buy whatever they are selling.

Furthermore, unlike days of yesteryear when the choices were limited when it comes to gold, today, there are a multitude of choices. These include collector coins, commemorative coins, ETFs, shares of mining or trading companies, certificates, pools, Gold Savings accounts, futures, options, Structured Notes and even digital gold! It's enough to make your head spin just trying to make sense of the choices.

Add the fact that most people are clueless when it comes to gold, and you can see why investing in gold can be a hazardous thing. While all the products mentioned earlier are gold in some form, they may not behave like the real thing, and therefore may not give the desired return to the investor. In fact, some of them should not even be considered as an investment. Take for example, jewelry. While bangles, rings and pendants are certainly gold, they cannot be considered as an investment in the real sense of the word. And why not? There are a few problems with jewelry when we're evaluating them from an investment perspective. First is the high mark-ups charged by the dealers, which can be 100 percent the price of the gold. Second is the extremely high discount charged by the dealers when you are selling the piece back to them. For example, one local gold dealer will knock off 25 percent (!) from the price when they are buying it back from you and that my friend, is an exceptionally high charge. Third and perhaps the most serious problem: you can only exchange it for another piece of jewelry; you cannot get the money in cash.

And this is just one of the traps! There are plenty more that awaits the unsuspecting and uneducated investor.

So, just about the only way you are going to get an unbiased – and therefore correct – decision on gold is to get yourself educated on it by reading as much as you can – ideally before investing a single cent in it! Otherwise, you could be losing money instead of making it!

PS: If you'd like to find out more on how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from the coming disaster, I urge you to come for the upcoming Gold Rush workshop on Saturday 19 Feb 2011. If you have not registered yet, you can get the full details from the website http://www.millionairesPlanet.com/GoldRush.htm. Among others, I will elaborate on the complete reasons why the current system is on a ledge and more importantly, what you can do to protect yourself from the collapse. Log on to the website, register now and take the steps to protect yourself and your family.


Copyright © Azizi Ali 2011




 "The most dangerous thing in this world today is
to be dependant on one income."

* Azizi Ali *





Where's the best place to invest right now? 


This is like asking "what's the best way to raise  a child?". There are a million ways to do it, and all of them are right. But I can tell you this - invest in   yourself. This may mean reading books, attending seminars, asking questions or even going back to school. This is a surefire way of getting the best possible return of not only money, but life itself! 


Read Masa Untuk Emas/Get Into Gold by Azizi Ali 



SPECIAL OFFERS: Programmes to help you generate more income and be a better investor


Gold has been the best investment in the past decade, growing by over 18% p.a. Furthermore, its' price has been climbing up and up and up.

At the same time, gold is also full of traps. If you choose incorrectly, you could actually lose money instead of making it.

Come to the Gold Rush Workshop to find out exactly how you can benefit from this magical metal. Log on to our site and sign up now to ensure that you do not miss out.




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Ezine New Books

We have released five exciting books recently - How To Become A Millionaire Landlord (Latest edition) by Azizi Ali, Panduan Penting Penjagaan & Rawatan Kucing Yang Anda Harus Tahu by Idham Jantan, Terbang Tinggi Seperti Air Asia by Mazlan Mohamad, Applying to Overseas Universities and Colleges by Martin Kralik and Making Money Online Without Selling Anything by Alan Tan.

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This e-zine is for educational purposes only. The author and publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise, which incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this e-zine.

So that's it, folks. The latest FREE issue of the 'MILLIONAIRESPLANET E-ZINE'. I trust that you've picked up some useful stuff that can help you become a Grand Master of Money.

So tell your mom, tell your dad, tell your girlfriends and your boyfriends too, and ask them to join the party!
Until the next issue, keep your eyes on the money and here's to the next million!


Copyright © 2011 Azizi Ali

All rights reserved


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