72 hours only...

72 Hours Online Sale

"Aiyaa! So many books return one!"

That was more or less my words when I saw the number of books at my warehouse.

To get to the point of the chase, I have in my warehouse some slightly damaged books received during the last great book recall exercise (due to terminating the agreement with our previous distributor and doing the distribution ourselves).

Well actually, the books are not damaged in the real sense of the word. They are considered damaged because: (a) the cover has faded slightly due to them being exposed to the sun; or (b) there are some slight creases on the cover; or (c) a new version of the book was released.  Other than that, the books are in good condition.

Instead of leaving them in the warehouse and taking up valuable space, I've decided to give you a good, no, a great deal for them in the hope that you will purchase enough copies and I can clear them off. So for 72 hours only, these 'slightly damaged' books are going at 70 percent discount from the retail price. That's right – 70 percent off!

The sale period is for 72 hours only: beginning from Tuesday midnight, 9th August 2011 until Thursday midnight, 11th August 2011. So, tell all your friends, family and acquaintances to get ready for the sale on those dates!

Click here for the complete details.





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